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AUTHOR | No. of articles: 108

Jack Campbell is the editor of Broker Daily. After graduating from the University of Wollongong in 2022, Jack began his journalistic career working on Broker Daily’s sister brand, HR Leader. In August 2023 he was made the news editor and worked alongside some talented journalists writing articles and recording podcasts. To reach Jack, email him at: [email protected]

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Combined auction clearance rate plummets

Auction volumes and preliminary clearance rates have both fallen compared to the previous week. Read More

The fight to promote diversity in commercial broking

At a glance, the commercial broking industry isn’t too diverse. Working to help turn this around is CAFBA, with events...Read More

Commercial and mortgage broking associations team up

Two of Australia’s largest commercial and mortgage broking associations have come together in a bid to strengthen rela...Read More

ING announces changes to commercial SME lending

ING Australia has announced changes to its loan-to-value ratio (LVR) policy, benefiting small businesses. Read More

‘End of the Aussie shout’ as cost of living stings

Cost-of-living pressures are mounting for Aussies, culminating in a surge in people splitting bills. Read More

Creating a voice for commercial brokers

New market commercial lending insights to become available to brokers and lenders via industry program. Read More

Credit reporting framework review underway

The government is currently in the midst of a review of Australia’s credit reporting framework. The MFAA has submitted...Read More

Home values across the country losing momentum

Australian property prices are reportedly losing momentum as the significant growth experienced in recent years slows, a...Read More

How ANZ is hanging onto assessors in a tight market

Skills shortages have been pronounced across many industries over the last couple of years. Banking is no exception and ...Read More


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