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Charbel Kadib

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1048

Charbel Kadib is the news editor on the mortgages titles at Momentum Media. Before joining the team in 2017, Charbel completed internships with public relations agency Fifty Acres, and the Department of Communications and the Arts. You can email Charbel on: [email protected]

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Clarification, glasses

Bank CEO calls for ‘clarity’ over expense validation

The CEO of a non-major lender has called for a “level playing field” for serviceability assessments in the mortgage ...Read More
NAB, banker incentives, royal commission

Banker incentives a ‘significant cause’ of misconduct: RC

An incentive program run by a major bank, which rewards bankers with bonuses for achieving home loan sales targets, was...Read More
RBA, October cash rate

RBA announces October cash rate

The central bank has announced its cash rate decision for October following its monthly board meeting. Read More
ASIC, misconduct, report, criticised

RC report slams ASIC response to misconduct

The corporate regulator has been criticised for its response to misconduct in the financial services royal commission’...Read More
RBA, Reserve Bank of Australia, rate change

RBA to hold off on rate change, economists predict

Economists have unanimously predicted a rate a hold from the central bank, with above-trend economic growth offsetting c...Read More

Sydney worse for wear in mortgage sensitivity test

Moody’s Investors Service has undertaken a “sensitivity test” which has outlined the impact that changes in inter...Read More
Merge, puzzle piece, Goldfields Money, post-merger

Bank-aggregator reveals post-merger plans

A newly formed bank-aggregator has outlined its market strategy after releasing a report detailing its enhanced, post-m...Read More
Treasurer, majors respond to ASIC concerns

Treasurer, majors respond to ASIC concerns

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and three of the big four banks have issued a response to a report from the corporate regulato...Read More

Regulators ‘have a case to answer’

The federal Treasurer has raised questions concerning the ability of Australia’s regulators to address misconduct in t...Read More


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