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Tamikah Bretzke

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 62

Cory Bannister, La Trobe Financial, APRA, mortgage lending

On the Record: Cory Bannister, La Trobe Financial

Mortgage Business goes ‘On the Record’ with La Trobe Financial’s Cory Bannister, who reveals the business’s key ...Read More
Greg Dickason, CoreLogic, blockchain, mortgage professionals, brokers, technology

On the Record: Greg Dickason, CoreLogic

Greg Dickason from CoreLogic goes ‘On the Record’ about blockchain and why mortgage professionals should be aware of...Read More
Tim Lawless, CoreLogic, consumer sentiment, Australian market, Hobart

On the Record: Tim Lawless, CoreLogic

Mortgage Business goes ‘On the Record with CoreLogic’s Tim Lawless, who shares a monthly update on the Australian ma...Read More
Phil White, QBE LMI, APRA, lending,  importance of LMI, first home buyers, housing affordability

On the Record: Phil White, QBE LMI

Mortgage Business goes back ‘On the Record’ with Phil White from QBE LMI about changes to the business in light of A...Read More
Cameron Kusher, CoreLogic, capital city, prices, Western Australian market, interest rates, RBA

On the Record: Cameron Kusher, CoreLogic - April 2017

CoreLogic’s Cameron Kusher goes ‘On the Record’ with Mortgage Business about the drivers of capital city dwelling ...Read More

Major bank to improve security with voice biometrics

A big four bank has announced that it will be the first Australian lender to introduce voice biometrics to improve the s...Read More
Mario Rehayem, Pepper Money, Australian mortgages, personal loans, non-bank lenders

On the Record: Mario Rehayem, Pepper Money

Mortgage Business goes 'On the Record' with Pepper Money's Mario Rehayem, managing director for Australian mortgages and...Read More
Steve Kane, NAB, Better Business summit, broker distribution

On the Record: Steve Kane, NAB

In this special edition of On the Record, Mortgage Business talks to NAB general manager, broker distribution Steve Kane...Read More
Uday Sareen, ING DIRECT, mortgage market

On the Record: Uday Sareen, ING DIRECT

Uday Sareen, CEO for ING DIRECT Australia, goes ‘On the Record’ about the company’s objectives, the importance of ...Read More


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