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Experts weigh in on the RBA cash rate hold

The RBA has continued to hold the cash rate steady at 4.35 per cent. Now, industry experts are reacting to the decision.

Long-term business confidence lacking as pressure mounts

Small businesses are feeling the strain of the economy, with long-term confidence seeing a “steady decline.”

Suncorp CEO given additional role within ANZ

Now that the ANZ-Suncorp merger is official, new plans are in motion. One shake-up to land off the bat is an extra title ...

Combined auction clearance rate plummets

Auction volumes and preliminary clearance rates have both fallen compared to the previous week.

The fight to promote diversity in commercial broking

At a glance, the commercial broking industry isn’t too diverse. Working to help turn this around is CAFBA, with events aimed ...

Commercial and mortgage broking associations team up

Two of Australia’s largest commercial and mortgage broking associations have come together in a bid to strengthen ...

ING announces changes to commercial SME lending

ING Australia has announced changes to its loan-to-value ratio (LVR) policy, benefiting small businesses.

RBA holds; inflation path has been ‘slow and bumpy’

Economic uncertainty and persistent inflation have once again taken centre stage in the RBA’s statement following its latest ...

Bank saves business from nearly $1m scam

Bendigo Bank has recently thwarted a significant scam attempt involving a Victorian construction company.

‘End of the Aussie shout’ as cost of living stings

Cost-of-living pressures are mounting for Aussies, culminating in a surge in people splitting bills.

Creating a voice for commercial brokers

New market commercial lending insights to become available to brokers and lenders via industry program.

Credit reporting framework review underway

The government is currently in the midst of a review of Australia’s credit reporting framework. The MFAA has submitted its ...

Home values across the country losing momentum

Australian property prices are reportedly losing momentum as the significant growth experienced in recent years slows, and in ...

How ANZ is hanging onto assessors in a tight market

Skills shortages have been pronounced across many industries over the last couple of years. Banking is no exception and ...

Gold Coast’s ‘view tax’ isn’t sitting well with home owners

A new form of taxation for Goldy residents isn’t too popular, with the move being dubbed “nonsensical”.

Investor lending continues to outperform owner-occupiers

The Australian Bureau of Statistics released its monthly lending statistics, highlighting a rise in housing, personal, and ...

Could the no-grounds eviction ban deter property investors?

The upcoming ban on no-grounds evictions in NSW is welcome news for renters but may be a little more divisive for property ...

Are high interest rates ‘outstripping growth’ in home lending?

Recent RBA data has tracked the increased lending over the year, showing strong growth in business loans. However, housing ...

1 bank’s initiative to help cancer patients re-enter workforce

A recent partnership is working to help recovering cancer patients re-enter the workforce.

CBA cuts scam losses in half

The major bank has announced the outcomes of its anti-scam measures, identifying a significant reduction in losses.

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