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How to know whether your website converts or loses new business

; How to know whether your website converts or loses new business;
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There’s no doubt mortgage and finance brokers are among the best in the business when it comes to harnessing word-of-mouth referrals. But customers are still going to check you out online, no matter how much they trust the referral source.

Sam Aghdam, Co-founder and Head of Tech at Social Broker.

Have you ever wondered how many people are referred to you, yet never get in touch?

According to Sam Aghdam, co-founder of Social Broker, most prospective customers will Google you before picking up the phone. “First off, they’ll see your Google My Business panel, so it’s good practice to collect Google reviews from all your happy customers.”

“Ideally the customer will then visit your website, as this is one of the few places online you have complete control over. They’re looking for a green light to make contact with you. They want confirmation that you’re credible and that you’ll solve their problems.”


“Websites with high conversion rates do a good job at explaining the customer’s WIIFM, and connecting with them on a personal level. It’s about giving people a sense of what it’ll be like working with you.”

Mr Aghdam cautions against relying on generic mortgage broker templated sites as they tend not to convert well. He adds, “Your website is essentially your shopfront, and people assume it’s a reflection of the service you’ll deliver.

A Social Broker website designed for a Sydney-based mortgage broker.

“If your website doesn’t bring your value proposition to life – through copywriting, design and imagery – then it’s simply not doing your brand justice, and it’s unlikely to connect with your prospects.

“Website design has come a long way in the last five years, and given your website visitors will form a judgment about your business in just 50 milliseconds, it’s crucial that your site looks good.”

Besides getting the messaging and aesthetics right, Mr Aghdam suggests reviewing your website and making sure it:

  • Is mobile responsive
  • Includes compelling calls-to-action
  • Integrates with your calendar
  • Has customer-centric lead capture forms
  • Loads within 5 seconds
  • Is added to Google Search Console
  • Connects to Google Analytics

If your website doesn’t align with the professional, customer-centric experience you deliver your customers, it might be time for a review. Learn more about Social Broker’s industry leading website services for mortgage and finance brokers.


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