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Government looks to double jail time for misconduct

The federal government is consulting on new, harsher penalties for corporate and financial sector misconduct, including introducing new criminal offences and raising jail times.

Government looks to double jail time for misconduct
High debt and higher rates to trigger arrears rise: Moody’s

High levels of household debt and higher interest rates are putting pressure on borrowers, with delinquencies set to rise in the coming quarters, according to Moody’s Investors Service.

Over half of Aussies ‘burdened’ by their mortgage

A majority of borrowers are “burdened” by their mortgage, which they believe “limits their lifestyle”, according to new research.

Banks’ IT systems might not be fit for CCR: APRA

The chair of APRA has placed pressure on the major banks to upgrade their legacy IT systems as they would not meet future prudential requirements.

13% of investors will ‘struggle’ to repay P&I

The expiry of the interest-only period is set to place 13 per cent of property investors in financial stress, according to new research.

13% of investors will ‘struggle’ to repay P&I
S&P reaffirms Australia’s AAA credit rating

Fiscal stability has helped reaffirm Australia’s AAA credit rating, which could come under pressure if the housing market experiences a sharper decline, according to Standard & Poor’s

Banks could lose customers to tech giants: Capgemini

It could be worthwhile for retail banks to join forces with tech firms, or risk losing customers to the likes of Google and Facebook, according to the global consultancy firm.

Customers jumping, competition
Analyst warns of housing market ‘wild cards’

The trajectory of the recent decline in property prices has been “unremarkable”; however, “several wild cards remain” that could trigger a sharper fall, according to one analyst.

Borrowers losing faith in majors: COBA

The prudential regulator’s latest quarterly banking statistics prove that borrowers are seeking finance alternative from customer-owned banks as their trust in major banks fades, according ...

Lack of borrower understanding of IO terms ‘concerning’: UBS

The lack of borrower understanding of interest-only loan terms, especially among owner-occupier households, is “concerning”, a global investment bank has warned.

UBS, interest only terms, owner-occupier households
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