VIRTUAL Business “Critical” Roadmap — Emerging from COVID-19

Unprecedented times require swift and decisive action. This virtual masterclass will teach mortgage advisers how to survive, revive and regenerate their businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic and into the future.

Navigating from survival to revival and regeneration is no easy task. We all need direction, guidance and a roadmap that we can immediately put into action.

Learn how to navigate this changing landscape by tuning in to our first-ever virtual event: the Mortgage Business Commercial Masterclass.

Roll up your sleeves and join us live in this workshop-style event as we work through the blueprint for success together — and discover what tools and lending options are available to you to help you thrive.

Get your questions answered and ensure you are set for success by registering your interest for the Mortgage Business Commercial Masterclass now!


Leading business consultant and finance executive Stuart Donaldson joins us to:

  • Identify what action you must take right now to drive a more efficient and productive business to optimise your customer-facing time
  • Demonstrate what it takes to build out your revenue streams through diversification strategies by knowing “how” to engage SMEs and “how” to establish a sustainable, valuable relationship
  • Help you develop your skills and confidence by understanding financial statements and leveraging this knowledge to position yourself powerfully with SME customers
  • Provide insights into managing cash flow in a COVID-19 world — what does this mean for you and your SME customers, and what “extraordinary” action is required to survive and rebuild?
  • Share what the success drivers of business are and how to convey these into plain English
  • Teach you how to have powerful conversations that will identify new business opportunities and position you in the inner circle of your clients’ trusted advisers


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