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No moral compass for cyber hackers

October is cyber security awareness month. James Gillard, director of Insurance Made Easy, outlines the risk to the mortgage ...

How to use marketing to thrive in the new world

Trail Homes's Nick Young outlines why marketing matters more than ever and what to do to optimise your efforts.

Why brokers are critical for keeping cash flowing to SMEs in challenging times

Access to capital has been a longstanding challenge for Australia’s SMEs. As trusted advisers, commercial brokers are ...

Where to now for property?

The impact of COVID-19 on the Australian property market.

A word of hope from an eternal optimist

I am a person who thrives on stress. This is often much to the ire of my wife and family – work and otherwise. However, there ...

Keep calm and carry on

A letter to brokers from a veteran financier.

A positive message to the industry in times of uncertainty

Like many small to medium enterprises in Australia today contemplating the COVID-19 crisis impact, our business has spent a ...

Five warning signs that a business is headed for cash flow problems

If a business turns a profit at the end of each year, the business must be safe, right? If you ask most small and medium ...

SME Lending – The Business Plan

Philip Dempsey from elevateB reveals his top tips for help SMEs gain access to finance more quickly.

How to leverage voice-of-customer insights in ways that even the big banks can’t

Sarah Barnett discusses how aggregators are uniquely placed to capture and act on voice-of-customer insights to establish a ...

Refinancing: How to get approval in a tougher credit environment

Over the past 12 months, the finance industry has been through significant upheaval. The banking royal commission, stricter ...

Using lead indicators to amplify sales

We're seeing a sustained pick-up in the housing markets in Sydney, Melbourne and now in TAS, of which, according to current ...

The art of unlocking opportunities and staying ahead of the curve

Advances in technology are unlocking opportunities in the broking industry, as is the case elsewhere in financial services ...

Three practical ways to nurture long-term client relationships

Diversifying your offering is good for business, and good for your clients too, says Olly Guilleaume, national manager and ...

What is financial abuse?

Financial adviser and author Helen Baker explains the meaning of financial abuse, what it can look like, and who it affects

The case for not passing on cash rate cuts to mortgage rates

This column is going to be a little controversial; however, lenders are well within their rights to keep a portion of future ...

The 5 credit repair secrets every broker needs to know

If you want to provide the best service to your financially challenged clients, it’s important you understand credit repair ...

Responsible property disposal: Is the mortgagee-in-possession process fair?

CoreLogic CTO Greg Dickason explores whether data should drive fairness.

Choice is crucial: Growth would slow without brokers

“No one seems to understand how far-reaching these changes will be, affecting non-resi markets but also the broader economy

Can responsible lending help save the broking industry?

Although the banking royal commission’s recommendations criticised home loan broker commissions, the complexity of obtaining ...

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