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Victoria takes 1st steps in $2m regional housing project

; Victoria takes 1st steps in $2m regional housing project;
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The development is expected to provide “essential infrastructure” for residential development in the state’s west.

A visit by the Victorian Minister of Regional Development, Mary-Anne Thomas, to the town of Timboon late last week (20 November) has marked the next stages in the state’s planned $2 million investment in the Great South Coast, said to be part of an ongoing commitment to “address workforce shortages” across Victoria. 

As per a statement released by the office of Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, the investment is intended to develop 140 residential blocks across two sites, located in the Corangamite Shire towns of Timboon and Simpson, for both residents and seasonal workers.

This $2 million injection to the Corangamite Shire Council is expected to enable the local body to “provide essential infrastructure” to each site, including water, power, telecommunications, footpaths, sewage connections and drainage.


The arrangement is one part of the Victorian government’s Regional Workforce Pilots program, a $5 million initiative designed to assist in attracting skilled workers to four regions throughout the state said to be facing workforce challenges.

These regions also include the Grampians, High Country and Robinvale. 

The state’s government has expressed that it believes these additional resources will assist in “supporting coordination between local, state and Commonwealth governments” as well as testing “solutions to workforce shortages”, such as housing and accommodation shortages.  

Speaking of the initiative, Ms Thomas said: “We understand that workforce and housing shortages are a real issue in our regional towns, especially those that are becoming a destination for holiday makers – that’s why we are investing in projects to help solve these issues and boost employment across the state.”

The minister’s visit came one day before parliamentary secretary for regional Victoria, Danielle Green, viewed the progress of the Swan Hill Worker Housing Project, currently expected to be completed by July of this year. 

The project, which has been funded $500,000 under the Victorian government’s $2.7 billion Building Works package, will deliver four houses that are intended to “boost accommodation options for workers in the region from vital industries like healthcare and education”. 

Speaking on the Swan Hill Worker Housing Project, Ms Green said: “Building more housing in regional communities creates local jobs and ensures more critical workers have a home close to where they work.

“Investing in these projects delivers big benefits to regional communities, critical workers and local businesses.”

The creation of the Swan Hill-based accommodation follows Mildura’s Ramsay Court Worker Accommodation facility, which was established in November 2021 after being given $800,000 via the Building Works package. 

The member for Northern Victoria, Mark Gepp, said that the inclusion of the worker accommodation facility has added to a framework that will enable the region’s growth. 

“We know how important it is for regions to have enough housing supply for seasonal workers – and that’s why we built the Ramsay Court Worker Accommodation facility in Mildura,” Mr Gepp said.

“This region has so much growth potential, which is why I am so happy to see much needed accommodation solutions making significant progress right here in the Mallee.”

[Related: FHBs migrating away from cities: REA Group]

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