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PIPA calls for regulation in property investment space

The Property Investment Professionals of Australia chairman is calling for regulation in the property investment advice space to “drive out crooks” and protect consumers.

BONUS PODCAST: Is the RBA cash rate still relevant?

The Mortgage Business Uncut podcast is your weekly analysis of the biggest themes shaping the Australian mortgages market.

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Australia ranked seventh most property-obsessed nation

Australians are spending more than 2.5 hours a week researching properties, making it the seventh most property-obsessed nation, new research from HSBC has revealed.

For sale
Governments rack up $30bn in property tax ‘sugar hit’

A 6 per cent rise in property tax revenue collected by state and local governments has prompted calls for a revision of taxation policy to improve housing affordability.

Governments rack up $30bn in property tax ‘sugar hit’
LATEST PODCAST: Will Australia see its first rate movement in 2 years next week?

The Mortgage Business Uncut podcast is your weekly analysis of the biggest themes shaping the Australian mortgages market.

Mortgage Business Uncut, Podcast
Property market being disrupted by ‘expert’ predictions

False and misleading predictions by “experts”, coupled with a broader tightening of credit policy, has been disrupting the property industry, according to a C21 senior executive.

Property market being disrupted by ‘expert’ predictions
ATO to scrutinise property investor claims

The Tax Office has warned that it will be scrutinising claims by property investors in the upcoming tax season.

Less than a tenth of Millennials are investing in property

Young adults in Australia are saving more than the rest of the population, but anxiety about their current financial situation may be weakening their appetite to purchase property, according ...

Young adults
Millennials keen to take advantage of property slump

More than a third of Millennials are eyeing the property market as house prices continue on their downward slide, a new study has found.

Young adults
Property industry confidence hits six-year low

Confidence in the property sector has declined to its lowest point since March 2013 amid concerns over “deterioration” in the housing sector, according to new research.

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