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Shadow treasurer 'clearly wrong', says property group

The head of a real estate group has criticised the shadow treasurer for trying to stop first home buyers gaining access to their superannuation.

Property spruikers pursue ties with SMSF industry

SMSF practitioners are reportedly being harassed by property developers offering big commissions to spruik developments.

Hockey’s super scheme triggers property bubble backlash

As criticism for Treasurer Joe Hockey’s proposal to open super to first home buyers mounts, one property analyst has warned the move would “artificially inflate” demand for property.

Property groups divided over FHB plan

A government proposal to let young buyers use their superannuation to fund their first purchase has drawn mixed reactions from two property groups.

Property tax plan to be decided by voters

New South Wales voters will decide on a new property tax that will, reportedly, cool the Sydney market and make life easier for first home buyers.

Fewer property listings a result of higher prices

Five of Australia’s eight capital cities have recorded declines in property listings during the past year.

Property crash looms as prices keep rising

One third of real estate agents have predicted a property crash within a decade, while a majority believe home ownership is becoming increasingly unattainable.

RBA decision may reflect property concerns

The Reserve Bank’s decision to leave the cash rate unchanged yesterday could signal its concern about rising property prices, according to a senior investment manager.

Brisbane property market booms while other capitals struggle

Melbourne has been overtaken as Australia’s second-fastest growing market, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Vertical integration: no good for brokers or consumers

If you haven’t read through the Financial System Inquiry’s final report released in November last year, you should try to find time to do so.

Troy McErvale
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