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Selling the hard sell

It doesn’t surprise me that a staff survey at one of the big four found “pressure on bank tellers to push customers into … financial products such as insurance and managed funds is causing ...

Selling the hard sell
Property market proving a lucrative investment

The residential property market is Australia’s single largest and most valuable asset class with a total estimated value of $5.2 trillion. In comparison, the total value of listed equities ...

Property market proving a lucrative investment
Where is the property market headed?

The national housing market continued to recover during 2013 as the impact of the lowest interest rates in 60 years, improved affordability and rising confidence activated homebuyers at ...

Dr Andrew Wilson, national housing market, interest rates, home buyers, property buyers, property market
Broker boom time ahead

Recent research pointing to a boom time dead ahead for mortgage broking will have the industry doing a happy dance and it will be interesting to watch what the big banks do with their batons

Kim Cannon, mortgage broking, IbisWorld
Strong demand and limited supply boosting property prices

A recent report on the Australian property market shows that demand for property is still strong and prices are still rising, but if interest rates reach 7 per cent growth would be likely to ...

Strong demand and limited supply boosting property prices
Property investment services perfect bolt-on for brokers: report

Mortgage brokers and financial planners could complement their offering by adding property investment services

Australian property bubble speculation is misguided

Despite low consumer confidence, the Australian economy remains one of the most resilient to such global tremors and as such, all claims of a potential property bubble remain misguided, says ...

Ken Raiss, Australian property, property market, property bubble, Australian economy low
First home buyers: Is it a case of 'lies, damned lies and statistics'

There has been a great deal of publicity about the lack of first home buyers entering the property market recently. 

Tony Brasier
Content Marketing 102: Understanding the real estate decision making cycle

As we all know, successful real estate agents don’t wait until vendors and landlords walk through the door. At any one time, roughly five per cent of property owners are actively transacting ...

Andres Antonini
Real estate essentials – Listen rather than talk

My three year-old tells the best stories. Most don’t make much sense but they always make me laugh.

Matthew Waddell
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