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Building approvals fall to decade low

New building approvals fell by 27.6 per cent in January, the lowest monthly level seen since July 2012, with houses recording their fifth consecutive monthly drop.

Non-bank lenders and brokers can help alleviate the housing crisis

Housing supply is already hugely constrained and is only going to get worse, but brokers and non-banks can help, says Brighten’s Chris Meaker.

Older Australians to ‘downsize sooner’: Bridgit CEO

Worsening financial conditions will motivate elderly home owners to downsize sooner than expected, Bridgit chief executive Aaron Bassin has predicted.

Have we hit the bottom of the market? Economists deliberate

While the general consensus is that home prices across Australia will continue to fall, February data bucked the trend.

Mortgage confidence ‘drops sharply’ as stress hits high

Continued cash rate rises will impact mortgagor emotions even further, ANZ-Roy Morgan data has revealed.

‘Peak house’ was in 1966, new AMP report shows

Home ownership was at its highest point 57 years ago and is unlikely to reach those levels again as the idea of ‘wealth’ has changed, new research has found.

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First offers made for Northern NSW buyback program

The NSW government has announced it aims to make buyback offers to the first 250 residents in the region’s high-risk flood areas.

Qld disaster assistance extended to northern and central regions

Seven more flooded local councils in Northern and Central Queensland have been made available for support following severe monsoon rainfall.

Australian debt hotline flags ‘call for help’ surge: FCA

There are now ‘broad concerns’ over increasing distress calls from mortgage holders, a national debt helpline has confirmed.

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