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Regulator rubber stamps ASX listing rules

ASIC has released a report that concludes the ASX has met its statutory obligations for listing standards.

Combating online financial fraud

Digital technology has increased interconnectedness and bridged the urban-rural divide – and one of the biggest sectors to benefit from this change is the financial industry.

Benn Alp, financial fraud
ASIC levy to jump by 150%

Treasury has released its proposed levies for ASIC and APRA for the 2016-17 financial year, with the levy for the corporate regulator set to increase by 150 per cent.

Making succession planning work for you

We have all heard the saying that you should not think of retirement as retiring from work, but rather as retiring to something better.

Colin Emmott, succession planning, retirement, retiring from work
ASIC backs whistleblowing project

ASIC has written to more than 30,000 Australian companies encouraging them to take part in academic research focused on improving whistleblowing procedures.

Mortgage bosses say regulation is curbing innovation

Industry leaders believe that regulation is preventing the Australian mortgage industry from harnessing the powers of digital and customer data to provide better consumer outcomes.

Industry welcomes ASIC funding model

The federal government has been commended for its decision to increase resources to ASIC.

Collaboration: the next fintech frontier

For a number of years now, fintech start-ups have successfully capitalised on the digital technology boom by building customer-focused offerings in areas where traditional providers had ...

Lachlan Heussler
APRA rejects ‘culture police’ tag

APRA chairman Wayne Byres believes financial services firms should incentivise prudent behaviour rather than depend on regulators to remove ‘bad apples’ after the fact.

ASIC forms fintech partnership with UK regulator

ASIC and the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have signed an agreement to work together to grow fintech businesses.

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