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11 July 2016

Now that the world’s first driverless car is a reality, it begs the question: how do we continue to investigate and find the most effective balance between technology and people?

4 July 2016

The financial services sector has seen a rapid increase in the adoption of robot technology, with advancements in cognitive computing, robotics and ‘smart machines’ transforming and ...

14 June 2016

For many business owners, their business is a major component of their overall personal wealth and in many cases will form a significant part of their retirement funds.

6 June 2016

Digital technology has increased interconnectedness and bridged the urban-rural divide – and one of the biggest sectors to benefit from this change is the financial industry.

30 May 2016

They say the only constant in life is change, and as digital marketers scramble to make sense of the latest Google rule changes, it’s becoming clear that the ramifications of these changes ...

23 May 2016

Australia’s property market is set to remain in the spotlight in the lead up to this year’s federal election.

9 May 2016

We have all heard the saying that you should not think of retirement as retiring from work, but rather as retiring to something better.

18 April 2016

For a number of years now, fintech start-ups have successfully capitalised on the digital technology boom by building customer-focused offerings in areas where traditional providers had ...

11 April 2016

In case you missed it, Google recently announced the closure of Google Compare.

4 April 2016

A quality reputation is a key tool in your marketing kit and, as such, it needs to be protected, nurtured and used to increase your earnings.

29 March 2016

At the recent World Economic Forum, it was noted that 90 per cent of the data we use today was created in the last two years.

29 February 2016

Despite growing pressures, property investors will once again be turning to bricks and mortar, thanks to the volatility of global share markets and the ASX dropping to 2013 levels.

22 February 2016

When you are planning on how you will try and get ahead this year, don’t think about working harder. Instead, think about trying to work smarter.

15 February 2016

If you are interested in cryptocurrency, you will have noticed a lot of things happening over the past few weeks.

1 February 2016

After several years of double-digit residential price growth in parts of Australia, it’s now hard to identify any part of the market that will continue to grow at that rate in 2016

25 January 2016

This month a lot of us are staring at a blank whiteboard thinking about what we are going to accomplish in 2016.

18 January 2016

Forward-looking business owners and managers should be looking at possible trends that will be the "next big deal" in 2016, so to construct a strategy in order to implement them into their ...

11 January 2016

Our emotions are infectious, so how we act at work every day has a huge impact on everyone we come into contact with.

4 January 2016

Email. At first glance, this invention is a brilliant addition to the way we do business. It allows us to quickly and efficiently keep our co-workers, clients and managers updated while we ...

25 March 2020

As Australia tries to keep pace with a rapidly changing business and social landscape in the wake of COVID-19, Momentum Media is leading the way delivering essential content to our ...